June 19 — same date every year

Sauntering: walking slowly, aimlessly, happily
World Sauntering Day began in 1979 at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, Michigan. The hotel is known for its 600-feet long porch — the world’s longest.
W.T. Rabe, the hotel’s public relations director, started the day in response to recent surge in jogging. Instead of jogging, W.T. thought the joggers should slow down to appreciate what’s all around them.
Explained by founder’s son on NPR
In the NPR article “World Sauntering Day 2014: How to Saunter and History of Holiday,” John Rabe, W.T.’s son, explained “Sauntering is when you don’t care where you’re going, how you’re going, or when you will get there, paying attention to the world around you, smelling the roses.”
Primer for a saunter
Click here to get to a primer by WikiHow on how to enjoy a good old-fashioined, Zen-like saunter — how to walk with no other purpose than to enjoy the walk.
How not to saunter
“The Spirit of Sauntering: Thoreau on the Art of Walking and the Perils of a Sedentary Lifestule in Brain Pickings by Maris Popova says about Thoreau:
“In his 1861 treatise Walking, penned seven years after Walden, Thoreau sets out to remind us of how that primal act of mobility connects us with our essential wildness, that spring of spiritual vitality methodically dried up by our sedentary civilization.”
Saunterings in London
Saunterings in and About London, first published in 1923, is a available on Amazon.

Cats saunter too