Tide’s in:

Tide In 2

It’s out:

Tide Out 2

Watching the tide going out and then back in . . . and vice versa . . . has long been a recommended form of safe excitement for us dull men. Now it’s even safer and easier to do.

Thanks to a thoughtful artist in Shropshire, Michael Martin, and the miracles of modern technology, we don’t even need to venture out to the beach to watch tide. Not only do we avoid leaving the comfort of home, we avoid dangers like sunburns, sand in shoes. bikinis, etc..

Michael photographs tide from different spots of the British coastline — documenting daily rhythms. He takes photos of the same locations eight and sixteen hours apart.

To see the ins and outs of tide, go to his article “The Highs and Lows of the Tide” — click on any of the photos of low tide to see what they look like during high tide and vice versa.

Michael’s gallery: 26 Gravel, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY8 1QL

Website: michaelmartin.co.uk

Michael Martin