September 2, 2005
Dear DMC,
At the risk of making our overseas correspondents nervous about visiting Swindon – although it would be a classic dull man destination – I attach a photograph of the famous roundabout ‘in action’.

Magic Roundabout, Swindon
I apologize in advance if you have seen these photographs previously, but there is safety in repetition.
June 1, 2004
Dear DMC,
Here’s a link to a truly dull site about a multiple roundabout in Swindon. Please click here.

Magic Roundabout, Swindon
I think the membership will enjoy this one. Quietly . . .
Steve Reszetniak
June 2, 2004
Dear Mr Reszetniak,
The committee would like to thank you for bringing this website to the attention of our members. Magic.
Rowan De Boutt
DMC, London
P.S. Here is a link to show an aerial photo: click here.