
Dear DMC

There’re plenty of nettle recipes around, and nettles from back gardens to the Chelsea Flower Show in London. What about April being ‘Nettle Month’? Contributors are welcome.

Nettle Recipes from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall:


François Gojat

6 April 2012


Dear Francois

We agree . . . nettles, often overlooked, even derided, are good for us.

As for a Nettle Month, there’s already a Be Nice to Nettles Week. It’s on our Calendar, click here. This year, it’s May 16-27. But, according to the Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall article, it should be in March. By the time May rolls around, nettles are no longer at their best.

be nice to nettles week

As for eating nettles, Grover posted an item in May 2012 about a Nettles Pizza special at 2 Amys Neapolitan Pizzeria in Washington DC, click here.

nettles pizzaNettles Pizza at 2 Amys
