photo by Beth Melo
After a pandemic break of over two years except for some Zoom meeting towards the end, the Dull Men’s Club of Southborough will be returning to its home base, the. Southborough Senior Center.
Here’s the article in mysouthboro.com and the club’s announcement:
The so-called Dull Men of Southborough will have a little excitement this week. After more than a year, the group will officially meet up in person.
The Southborough Senior Center’s social club was initially on hiatus at the start of the pandemic. For the past several months, they’ve been chatting over zoom. Tomorrow, I’m told they’ll finally be back at their home base.
They’re inviting anyone interested in joining them to swing by this Friday morning (or a future week) at 10:00 am. No registration is needed.
The club’s announcement:
If you’re a bored guy. If you’re not doing anything special on Friday mornings. If you enjoy stimulating conversation either as a talker or a listener or both. If you enjoy a good cup of coffee, a donut and some good camaraderie then the Dull Men’s Club is for you.
We are a group of about 20 men who meet casually on almost every Friday morning from 10am to 11am at the Senior Center, 9 Cordaville Road and we make a concerted effort to solve all the world’s problems which we generally do [exclamation point removed}.
There’s stories about past lives (before retiring), some generally sound advice, catching up on town doings, occasional speakers and always a “good” joke or two. It all makes for the fastest hour of the week. If this all might appeal to you and you would like to dip your oar in the water please join us.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday mornings.
I recently joined the Dull Mens of Brockton. We. Meet at the senior center and have varied conversations.
The first meeting i attended the subject was toilet paper. That tool up the whole meeting.
This proved that we do get to the bottom of things!