Watching in You Tube — from Japan
Website: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGKHAMNso_E
This is an unbelievably exciting race to watch. The goldfish go through formations that reminded me of watching the Red Arrows.
Watching the race on You Tube is a safe way to watch gold fish racing – you won’t be splashed with water. I enjoy watching this video clip over and over again.
Website: http://www.speedwayproductions.com/goldfish.htm
This website is a source for equipment for your next gold fish race — eight-feet long clear acrylic racing lanes, starting gates, and of course goldfish:

Cruel to Goldfish?
As reported in Openweb, on this website, the Humane Society of Utah’s executive director Gene Baierschmide says, “We believe that animals have feelings like we do and they want to enjoy life. They can feel pain and feat and so we think when something like this happens, it can make people feel possible unsympathetic to abuse of other life forms.”
This website also reports that there talk in Britain of goldfish races being shown on TV and bookmakers providing nationwide betting facilities.
Will the cruelty, if any, be remembered by the goldfish? Don’t fish have extremely short memories, like only a few seconds? Perhaps goldfish remember longer than that. Recent research, reported in The Daily Telegraph, indicates that, if you think fish forget everything in three seconds flat, think again. The research suggest that fish can store memories for months.