
Wilf was pottering around in his shed when his grandson wandered in and asked, ‘Granddad, can you make me a frog?’

‘I welded spoons together, shaped tithe into a frog, something I’d never done before’, Wilf said. ‘It only took a couple of minutes.’ After the frog, he kept at it. Next was a hawk from forks. Then gifts for everyone in the family.

It was the ‘silver lining’ from a serious accident — ‘One door closes, another door opens’. Wilf, working as a welder and pipe fitter, fell from a roof, landed on a concrete floor. Every rib on his right side and three vertebrae were broken. He was airlifted to a hospital in Carlisle.

‘I love it when my new passion for cutlery sculpturing came along. I use my head and hands instead of doing anything physically demanding, no heavy lifting. Lifting forks, knives, and spoons was something I can still do.’

As for sourcing the cutlery, Wilf laughed when we asked about rumors of local pub staff keeping a watchful eye on him. ‘So far none have banned me’, Wilf said. ‘I have my sources, all aboveboard’.

Wilf lives in Dufton with his wife Muriel and shed.

The calendar, Dull Men’s Club Calendar — Great Britain — 2017, is available on Amazon UK and Amazon USA.


Version 2

Version 2

Wilf’s copy of “Dull Men of Great Britain: Celebrating the Ordinary” nicely displayed on the table