Tuesday December 17
Underdog Day is a celebration honoring unsung heroes such Robinson Crusoe’s Man Friday, Sherlock Holmes’ Dr. Watson, the Lone Ranger’s Tonto.
It also celebrates those who “came from behind” to make names for themselves. The Tortise and the Hare (look up at out header). And the underdogs ending up as top dogs in Malcome Gladwell’s” New Yorker article “How David Beats Goliath: When underdogs break the rules,” click here.
Underdog Trivia — orgin of the word “underdog”
The original meaning of the word “underdog” originated from sawsmen who built ships. Planks of wood called “dogs” were placed over the top of a pit, and two men would have to supervise the placing of these planks. One man would stand on top of the planks, and one man would stand underneath the planks in the dark pit, where he would be covered in sawdust. This poor, sorrowful man was known as the underdog.
Do you have other examples of Underdogs you’d like to tell us about?
Please email them to us: contactus@dullmen.com