When thanksgiving rolls around, we Dull Men are thankful for:
- Turkey dinner — turkey, the blandest of meats
- All those boring conversations at Thanksgiving Dinner
- The bleak weather that arrives in November
- The fact that color has gone — gone from trees, shrubs, and grass
- Leaves are everywhere — they are so much fun to rake
- There’s also snow — it’s so much fun to shovel
- That fact that they are not turkeys

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Dull men are thankful that nobody asked our wives.
L’etoile in Paris. Good for we dull men for once on the inside lanes one may go round and round forever !b
That is is always on a Thursday
Canned jellied cranberry served w ridges still visible. Can’t get more predictable than that!
Should I thanksgive? I live in England
Dull men can be thankful that ovens have windows so that they can watch the turkey bake for hours.
I am thankful for my dog.
I am thankful I do not work
At any of the retailers that
Open at 8 pm on thanksgiving day.