July Swan Upping boats

The Royal Swan Upping is the annual census taking and a health check of swans on the Thames. It takes place the third week of July.

July Swan Upping Swan Hotel

The swans on portions of the river that go through Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire Surrey, and Middlesex are owned by the Queen.

Swan Upping Queen

It began in the 12th century. More recent information is in the Guardian, “A cygneture event: what is swan upping?

July Swan Guardian 1

July Swan Guardian 2

July Swan Guardian 3

More information

Queen’s official website for this: http://www.royalswan.co.uk

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swan_Upping



What’s the vocabulary at this event, what can we expect to hear?

Onlookers might say?:

“Wow, look at that one, I’d sure like to up her”

“Has she been upped yet?”

Swans might say?:

“Please up me”?

“Ouch, I think I’ve been upped”?

“Up yours”?

But aren’t these mute swans, they don’t speak?