December 29, 2010
In today’s Wall Street Journal: “Boredom Enthusiasts Discover the Pleasure of Understimulation” — a report on “Boring 2010,” a seven-hour conference held December 10 in London.
Twenty speakers spoke on topics of great interest to DMC members: “The Intangible Beauty of Car Park Roofs,” “My Relationship with Bus Routes, “Like Listening to Paint Dry” (a recitation of the names of each of the 415 colors in a paint catelog).
The conference was organized by James Ward. James’ blog “I Like Boring Things” is a must read for DMC members. Of particular interest are blog entries about the Stationary Club.
There was a Milk Tasting. The presenter “swirled, sniffed, and sipped” five different kinds of milk. He commented on food pairing; cereal came out on top.
There was a drawing for copies of DVDs of “Helvetia,” a scintillating documentary made in 2007 when the font celebrated its 50th anniversary.