Our members indeed have patience. We continue to get emails about how they are waiting for the next drop.
There’s good news in once sense. Unlike many dripping things, no one’s complaining about this one being too bothersome.
Dull Webcam of the Year? Perhaps, addition to our annual Dull Man of the Year award, we should start a Dull Webcam of the Year award.
From Australia:
I submit for your consideration:
There is, however, a modicum of suspense – when will it drop? – also drama – camera failed at the vital moment of the latest drip in 2000 – but overall the excitement potential is well controlled.
Please enjoy
Ian McIver
Erstwhile tibicen
Ubiquarian thaumaturge
Keeper of the Virtual Radiogram
“Quaequae excusatio potatione pro”
In some ways a theatre organ is like a classical organ; in all other ways it is better.
May 8, 2012
From Brooklyn, New York:
Cezar Del Valle
Brooklyn, New York
May 1, 2012
From London:
Dear DMC
If we had a posthumous category for Dull Man of the Year, the late Professor Thomas Parnell would surely be a candidate – for this experiment:
Steve Reszetniak
April 24, 2012
Posted on dullmensclub.com last January — from a DMC member Scott Dicus in Kansas City:
Click here to get to the posting on our blog.