January 4 each year is celebrated as Trivia Day. We love trivia. We bone up on it, espeically when scheduled to be at a boring dinner party, one that’s too boring even for us. We can liven things up a bit by tossing out some trivia. It’s safe excitement for us.
— Trivia is a plural word — what’s the singular version?
— Why can’t Santa’s reindeer play snooker (in UK) or pool (in USA)?
— How many rivers are there in Saudi Arabia?
— How many railways are there in the Caribbean Islands?
One. It’s in Cuba.
— Do all mosquitos bite?
No. Only the females bite.
— What’s the name for the dot at the top of a lower case “i”:
— What’s the name of the monthly newsletter of the Procrastinator’s Club?
Last Month’s Newsletter
— Do any ATMs use Latin?
Yes. There’s one in the Vatican:
You have trivia to add to this? You can email it to us: contactus@dullmensclub.com
Origin of Trivia Day?
We’ve not be able to find when and by whom Trivia Day was established. It’s been suggested perhaps someone who received Trivial Pursuit at Christmas was still playing it into early January — named a day in its honor.