January 21 [same day every year]
Squirrel Appreciation Day
There are ten good FAQs listed in a blog posting [click here], which apparently is from the day’s founder but his/her name is not given — here it is:
Q: What is Squirrel Appreciation ‘Day, and who is the founder?
A: I am the founder of Squirrel Appreciation Day, which was started in 2001. It falls on January 21st, and while there are no official events scheduled, you can help celebrate by putting out extra food for the squirrels.
The Huffington Post coveres Squirrel Appreciation Day:
• An article this year “Squirrel Appreciation Day: Don’t Miss Celebrating [exclamation point removed]“
• In their 2010 article “Squirrel Appreciation Day is January 21: Are You Ready?” in the Huffington Post last year.
eHow also covers it, click here.
There’s a Squirrel Appreciation Society, which is on Facebook, click here.
We’ve learned three fascinating bits of trivia from their Facebook page:
• The word “squirrel” comes from two Greek words that mean “shadow tail.”
• A squirrel can fall more than one hundred feet without hurting itself.
• President Teddy Roosevelt had pet flying squirrels in the White House.