FIRA Robot Football World Cup — September 15-19, 2012 — Bangalore



The FIRA RoboWorld Cup (founded in 1996) will be co-hosted by the National University of Malaysia, Department of Polytechnic Education (Ministry of Higher Education) and MySET (Malaysian Society for Engineering and Technology) from 24th until 29th August 2013.

It is the premier event where international robotics experts gather and challenge each other in Olympic style robotic events (such as football, weight lifting, running and marathon). For the last 15 years, the event was driven by two robotics experts namely, Professor Dr. Jong-Hwan Kim, KAIST (Korea) and  Prahlad Vadakkepat (National University of Singapore). To date, the event has gathered strong interest from Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China, Slovakia, Germany, Canada, Malaysia, India, Singapore, UAE, Indonesia, United Kingdom etc.

The FIRA RoboWorld Cup will be held together with FIRA RoboWorld Congress  (a scientific robotics conference). In the past, these happening events have been hosted in the United Kingdom, India, Korea, China, USA, Germany, Singapore, Australia, France and Brazil.

The FIRA-RoboWorld Cup has resulted in introducing new holistic technology to the world that involves mechanical, electronics and digital control and image processing technology. The upcoming event will continue this spirit by adopting the theme “Intelligent robotics systems: Inspiring the NEXT”.


We Dull Men like this type of football. It’s slower than football played by humans. Click here to get to the games’ website.
