The Apostrophe Protection Society
The society was started in 2001 by John Richards to preserve the correct use of the apostrophe, which he found to be a much-abused punctuation mark. Its headquarters is in Lincolnshire, UK.

John, now retired, spent most of his working life in journalism, first as a reporter then as an editor. As an editor, he not only made news stories more readable, by tightening or cutting if needed, improving clumsy phrasing, he also corrected grammar, especially adding, deleting, or moving apostrophes. He was constantly amazed at how often reporters had no idea of the correct use of this important punctuation mark — the apostrophe.
In retirement, his irritation not only did not disappear, it became more obvious. He could take it no longer. He, together with a half dozens like-minded people, founded The Apostrophe Protection Society.

John Richards, Chairman
Letter of support soon flowed in from all corners of the world, not only from the UK for also from the Australia, Canada, France, Hong Kong, Sweden and the United States. There has been press coverage (the former reporter now being reported on). John also plays a role in Lynn Truss’s Eats, Shoots & Leaves.
There are many examples – photographs – of apostrophes being misused. “No Dog’s,” “Security Camera’s in Operation,” Communion Dress’s & Veil’s, “Beauty Care that let’s me be me,” Fair Deal’s.”
Examples Of Misuses Of Apostrophes