The list keeps growing — do you have a suggestion to add? — if so, please email to

Day 17 — batteries

Always a safe bet. If all else fails, give batteries. They’ll always be needed eventually.


Day 16 — batterie tester

Day 15 — cap with light

on Amazon U.K.

Day 14 — anorak

grey anorak

Anorak: emblematic of dull in the U.K. where dullsters are often referred to as Anoraks.

Day 13 ‚— eye brow trimmer

on Amazon U.K.

Day 12 — step stool


Day 11 — metronome

Day 10 — pencil sharpener

on Amazon U.K.



Up-to-date information about sharpening pencils

Xmas-pencil sharpening

David at work

Amazon UK, Amazon USA


Day 9 — ironing board



Day 8 — umbrella cover — one that drys your umbrella

Day 7 — earmuffs

Day 6 — snow globe

Day 5 — level (in U.S.), spirit level (in U.K.)

Day 4 — sock organizer

Day 3 — toaster

Day 2 — vest (in U.S.), gilet (in U.K.)

Day 1 — slippers